Initially, you will need to add charcoal to the grate below the firetube. Subsequent operation will already have the grate full of charcoal which has been left over from the previous operating period.
Fill the firetube with charcoal* to a level 4 in. above the grate. Fill the hopper with air-dried wood; then, proceed with the routine start-up directions below.
*Charcoal produced for outdoor barbecue grills is not well suited for gas generator use. To produce a better grade of charcoal, place a rag soaked in alcohol on the grate, or place 3 to 5 pages of newspaper on the grate, then fill the fire tube to a height of 10 to 12 in. with well-dried wood. Have all the valves closed and let the fire tube act as a chimney until the wood is converted to charcoal.
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