The following fabrication instructions, parts lists, and illustrations describe the prototype gasifier unit shown schematically in Fig. 1-3. These instructions are simple and easy to follow.
The dimensions in the following plans are given in inches rather than in millimeters to make construction easier for those who might be unfamiliar with the metric system and to allow the experienced engineer to take advantage of available, alternate construction materials. It will be obvious to the experienced engineer, mechanic, or builder that most of the dimensions (for example, plate thicknesses and cleanout diameters) are not critical to the acceptable performance of the finished gasifier unit.
The prototype gasifier unit described in the following text was actually constructed and field tested on a gasoline-engine farm tractor (a 35-hp, John Deere 1010 Special); see Fig. 2-1. The unit operated very well, and on par with the European, World War II designs, but it has not had the test of time nor the millions of operating hours like the older Imbert design. This new stratified design was developed for the construction of simple, inexpensive emergency wood gas generator units. The prototype design below should be considered to be the absolute minimum in regard to materials, piping and filter arrangement, and carburetor system connections.
The gasifier unit, as described below, is designed to maintain proper cooling, even at moderate vehicle speeds. If this unit is to be used on stationary engines or on slow-moving vehicles, a gas cooler and a secondary filter must be placed in the piping system between the generator unit and the carburetor. The ideal temperature for the wood gas at the inlet to the carburetor manifold would be 70°F, with acceptable peaks of 140 to 160°F. For every 10 degrees above 70°F, an estimated 1% horsepower is lost. Cooler gas has higher density and, therefore, contains more combustible components per unit volume.
The millions of wood gasifiers built during World War II proved that shape, form, and construction material had little or no effect on the performance of the unit. Judicious substitution or the use of scavenged parts is, therefore, quite acceptable. What is important is that:
1. the fire tube dimensions (inside diameter and length) must be correctly selected to match the rated horsepower of particular engine which is to be fueled,
2. airtightness of the gas generator unit and all connecting piping must be maintained at all times, and
3. unnecessary friction should be eliminated in all of the air and gas passages by avoiding sharp bends in the piping and by using piping sizes which are not too small.
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